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Thor's Hammer,

A Samadhi Conscious Warrior Tradition.


The Berserker


To earn the favor of Thor's presence in combat, one must attain a state of mind impating perfection in battle. This way of being is blocked by imprinted human instinct, which impulsively responds to survival situations within an extremely narrow framework. 


Consistent daily tasks


Diet and vitamin intake should be researched according to individual needs, to perfect muscular development and mental clarity. 


Stretch extensively before and after exercising.


No drug use or sex for one hundred fifty days.


Initiation One


Great Thor, the Thunderer,

The Strong One, the Breaker of Resistance,

Mighty Champion of gods and men,

The Roaring One, the Laughing One,

The Shaker of Mountains,

the Pourer Forth of Energy,

Grant us the courage to fight

And the strength to stand firm

Though surrounded by foes,

Let our swords of steel be sharp and cut deeply,

Let the swords of our spirit flash forth as lightning

To destroy the enemies of our folk, our faith and our families.




Acquiring a private notebook, Attempt to objectively document physical and mental strengths and weaknesses. Chart out successes and failures in intellectual and physical combat. Admit to any imbalance in one's approach. Be extensive.


Martial skill requires the death of psychological defect. 


For thirty days, wake up early in the morning. Meditate for half an hour, keeping still the body to still the mind. Do fifty pushups and crunches every day for thirty days.


On day thirty, proof your initial assessment of your physical and mental strengths and weaknesses. Write a new self assessment.


Initiation Two


War is pragmatism or folly. 


Blame is the mechanism of defeat. Blame permits an emotional interplay which impairs reason. Not even fear can survive its death. 


The superman is without judgment, thinking and moving from directly within the causal stream. Every perception becomes immediate, free of the abstraction of language.


Awaking early each day, meditate for half an hour. Do fifty crunches and push ups on day one, and an additional fifty every day until day thirty. Every night before resting, maintain a still posture for half an hour. 


On day thirty, having exercised and completed both meditations, write down your reflections on the nature of cause and effect. Try to think of everything that happens in terms of energy transfer. 


Initiation Three


On Ragnarok, a hopeless situation will be approached fearlessly by all true Vikings. The Serpent Midgard will be defeated and Thor, having expelled all his energy, will die of its poison.


Emotional weakness comes of lack of acceptance.


The inevitability of Ragnarok is a reflection of cold deterministic causation, moment to moment energy transfer. Momentum, flow. The natural continuation of the motion of the present into the future.


Each morning at the usual time and place, meditate for an hour, for thirty days, on associations of violence and war.


Shadow box for half an hour on day one, an hour on day two, two hours on day four, and so on unto the thirtieth day.


Shadow boxing should be considered a yoga of emotional elevation: isolate a sensation of aggression and focus on consciously elevating one's adrenaline levels. It may be helpful while shadow boxing to visualize an intense fiery red energy so as to effectively evoke one's warrior essence.


Every night before resting, any time after one's exercise has been completed, maintain still posture for half an hour. Meditate upon emptiness and emotional release. 


On day thirty, complete an essay expressing one's opinion on delusion and/reality of fate and determinism.


Initiation Four


"Do you want to live forever?"

-Conan the Barbarian


Change is the only constant. Every moment of life, every particle of one's being rearranges itself. A memroy reates illusion of constancy. The soul is killed and reborn a near infinite number of occasions between seconds. 


To fear some future death is to fear the fate of another man. 


Every day for thirty days, meditate for one hour in the morning. Learn to channel one's associations and recollections of violence and battle into invented experiences of the memories of the gods of war. 


Shadow box for an hour on day one, two on day two, and so on, but on the sixteenth seventeenth even thirtieth day, do not exceed fifteen hours.


While shadow boxing, place one's self upon a battlefield and slay fictitious enemies. 


Meditate for one hour before sleeping upon love; that which is worth dying for.


On day thirty, write an essay on dying in battle.


Initiation Five


Exercise slows gradually to a crawl, in preparation for the sixth and final Viking initiation. 


Begin the one month time period doing fifteen hours of shadow boxing. Attempt to differentiate between anger and physical energy, to maintain calmness precision and mastery of physical adrenaline levels.


One hour of still posture before waking and after sleeping, upon emotional control. The exact isolation of one's internal emotional interplay and the attainment of the ability to decrease and increase any emotion at will.


On day thirty, perform one final thorough self assessment. That which causes one to experience guilt or humiliation, that which triggers an increase in pride socially or at the level of individual accomplishment, and that which attaches the attention of one's heart. The way in which one's emotions are triggered. Do not stop writing until to one's satisfaction one has documented every nook of the hidden and revealed self. 


Valhalla, Day 151


When dying or during near death experiences, massive quantities of DMT are released inside the brain.


Thor is well known for consuming heroic dosages of intoxicant. DMT is the most potent psychedelic drug on the planet. 


Jormungand the Midgard Serpent strangling the whole of the world, and Thor the divine self struggling to overcome, are to be meditated upon as the Ego (pride) and one's whole individual nature.


As one's final initiation, consume Ayahuasca.




Meditate as the heart expands upon inducing the death of all else. 

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