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Experimental Punk Albums, including Mahdi's Taquacore Jihad


Two-Piece Comedy Punk


Short Fiction


Jim Jimbim


Juliana Says in Word Riot Magazine


Things That Are Sticky in the Circle Volume 7 Issue 2


Psychedelic Experiential Fiction and Psychiatric Overview


A Return From Eval




the Mountain Fell


Boy Bob from Elements, Volume 12, Atlee High School


Melvin's Progression


Bob Grieves




Freedom Kills the Witch


The Tragedy of Jonathon


Critter in the Tin, in Black Petals.




to betsy!


A Collection


The Golden Third Eye in the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction w/ John Shirley


A Beastly Wurld - variable assembly language for use with artificial intelligence, animated robot.



KB's Art, Music, Poetry

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