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Egyptian Set,


the Genesis serpent tempts Eve with

two verses of knowledge of moral wisdom in place of understanding,

that knowledge references Genesis 3:6 symbolizes the Mark of the Beast 666 hustle.

Revelation 13 ends, Wisdom and Understanding to overcome 666 or Daath,

the death of reason in false knowledge.

The serpent symbolizes the human shadow,

lying to the woman by making the truth subconscious

in reference to phallic wisdom on intoxicants.

Moral Knowledge is offered as a fruit by a cock shaped animal,

love imparts moral concern and Eve is naked communing with a penis.


The serpent crawls low upon his belly,

craftier than any wild animal made by God (slavic perfect animals? non Buddha?)

consuming dust,

all the wild animals climbing higher. If the wild animals are niche dependent on fear and addiction to eating, their situation is less coercive if injected with love, pride extracted. They can all be forced to achieve Nirvana and scry global warming to prevent the flood.

They can all continue reproducing Buddha, all the new Buddha they produce as if one person share retention with the animal to’ve manufactured them, all evolving love at the most efficient possible rate.

A key inserted into the word low

results in Lowkey, or Loki,

crawling upon his belly consuming dust or matter may mean,

if he tempted Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the center of the garden of the (Genesis referenced) Tree of Life,

Tiphareth or the sun is the actual center,

the serpent has to feed on sexual energy as a Buddha.

If the serpent has sex 24/7 and can evolve into the Milky Way Galaxy on retention just from achieving Nirvana, he’s crawling if his sexual partners are receiving the equivalent quantity of sexual energy to the Milky Way. This is the slowest speed at which a Buddha can evolve.


Genesis Chapter 4 is the Fall of Cain,

Tubal-cain begets,

“If Cain 7, Lamech 77.”

Tubal-cain may translate

                                       the tube all have, DNA

                                       kubla, or ink blot as if a ku. T=k if top v’d on front of letter, l pulled back

                                       Two bal or boulders projected, two false or forbidden totems.

The Fall of the Cain delivers Lamech,

                                                            La Mech or Lay Mechanic

                                                            Va Mech or Virginia Mechanicsville,

                                                            L turned to left, M capitalized.

                                                            C Mecha, L turned to right, a thrown forward.

I am KB since birth, from Virginia Mechanicsville. KaaBa in Mecha sounds like KB in Maker,

Allah respelled results in al lay if the h is turned upside down.

Revelation Chapter 5, the Lamb of God has 7 horns, 7 eyes, 7 spirits.

Lamech sounds like Lamb ick or framed,

which transitions into Lam, ec I, capital H turned to right.

When the cain or staff falls,

the text ends After Seth and Enosh began men to encounter the Lord.

After the sun went underground, if SetH rearranged to spell after I set, H turned on its side and thrown behind set. After God as the sun, the heart and mind of all information energy and places because unconditionally loving, went underground began men to encounter Him.

The sun descending the horizon is a serpent emerging from Moses’ stave because the event foreshadows Moses before Pharaoh devouring lower ranking serpent with his staff's snake.

The Lamb of God is symbolically Set because 777 is the lightning bolt of Zeus as a serpent if the bottoms of the sevens are connected to the left of their tops.

Book 2 of the Torah, the Exodus, 2 and Exodus respelled results in

2Eus do X, two zeus do X

or hit

competing false idols or golden calves on Mount Sinai,

as Moses’ serpent devouring Pharaoh’s foreshadows that Moses breaks the ten commandment

tablets of law on the Mountain,

the lightning in the cracks foreshadows that the stone of KB in Mecca is broken by the bolt of 777.

The breaking of the Tablets of Law may be intended to announce Set

through Aleister Crowley’s controversial Book of the Law poem.

In Revelation 6:1-3, the Lamb of God looks marked by 666.


Genesis Chapter 3 is famous for mentioning God as a plurality,

the Torah rearranged spells a Thor, Norwegian mythic meaning to compliment

Greek and Egyptian symbolism previously mentioned. World mythology could have been

a Muslim jihad and cosmology of pagan elites.

The jihad is the sun set,

the sun’s underground.


King James, Revelation Chapter 8, a lamp that is wormwood falls low to enlighten. Lamp spells lamb, p become a b. The Lamb’s wood is the source of the Worm or Wyrm.


Islam - I S Lam.

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