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A Cornerstone Jihad


Selfishness requires wanting pleasure, also called happiness, fulfillment. Usually safety


If a military of prophets exists,

they could have evolved from the ghosts of any X-Factor personality type,

the most common starting wants Joy, Immunity,

and if love has evolved for the people scrutinied, Familial Loyalty.


Generalized selfish odds most appreciate if diplomatic guarantee manifests unless invaded, alliances easy and probably rewarding. Time and space is infinite, so the Buddha can mathematically validate no invasion politik. The oldest aliens power level is X-Factor as against infinite opportunity. The safest alien to contact Buddha.


Non accessory economic goods of exchange include pleasure. Dopamine from junk, a pot or E pill high, the sex act: an unconditionally loving being is love enslaved to share these commodities with system stuck prophets the instance success probability long then short term appreciates. Objective motive toward sentience.


Islam forbids shirking God or schisming from Allah on loyalty. Muslims are not supposed to violate on the mathematical success probability granting principle of not invading unless Islam is invaded. What fairness they generate by that All ah sue fee, work hard to transcend suffering, provides success probability and quantity of long term safety and pleasure.


Unconditional love, all love apart from pride and desire and negative emotion, constitutes the heart of the God I believe in, unconditionally loving people the mind of ah, All of it. Omniscience if all information provided a soul, omnipotence if all energy, omnipresence if all places.


No selfish motive exists to invade the God or Muslim soldiers whom do not shirk God, the most selfish motive possible exists to defend because unconditional love evolves pleasure the fastest, and is non impulsive so choice can create any pleasure type. Even on point of assurance of safety,

any people to join Islam gain Muslim benefits even if they prey (exclusively and) unfairly upon infidels - humans that don’t at present defended morals nor consent to Muslim benefits, and may even have staunch ethics.


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